This is just a quick update on the moth-status to keep you all informed of the twisted mind games these retched creatures play and to keep you all alert and prepared for anything.
So as you know from my previous blog, there are two moths hiding in the elevator at work…well, not hiding very well as I know they are there.
Anyway, they have been there for some time now, a week or two maybe, taunting me each time I enter…last week for a split second I thought the elevator broke down while I was trapped in there with them and I envisaged the front page of the next days Herald… “Young pregnant woman mauled to death by killer moths lurking in the dark places of the elevator” Horrific I know…luckily though, the elevator was not broken and I managed to escape!!
Ok so here I was thinking they weren’t very smart because they weren’t hiding very well and I could see them. I have noticed over the past few days that they have had some movement as I've mentally marked their positions in my mind and some days I go in and they’re in a different spot to where they were the day before…
However, it was brought to my attention tonight, that these killer creatures are actually a lot smarter than I give them credit for.
They must be aware that I know of their location…perhaps they have a facebook spy stalking my profile, reading my blogs…either way, somehow, they know that I know where they are and now it seems they have taken to drastic measures to keep their cover from being blown…So take this all as a warning peoples, things are not always as they seem….

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ahh Shit! Its that time of year again…
As I’m sure you are all aware (if you’re not then you’re an idiot!) but Christmas is approaching. Summer is approaching.
There are many wonderful things about this time of year…The warmth, falling asleep by an open window, mangoes, lying by a pool reading a good book while drinking a cocktail of some sort…many, many wonderful things.
Unfortunately with the good, comes the bad.
This time of year also means the time for many horrible things…Higher credit card bills due to “Christmas” Shopping, spring cleaning (shudder), being obligated to spend almost a whole day with people to whom you may be related but never knew existed during any other time of the year, aka “The Family”, the stench of too many sweaty bodies in one small space at one time, and of course…MOTH SEASON!!!!!!!!
Yes that’s right folks, that dreaded time of year has approached us once more and this year I am more scared then ever.
If you’re new to my blog, first of all, welcome, and second of all I must inform you that I am absolutely terrified of moths. I am completely aware that this is infact an extremely irrational fear but I cannot control it. I have tried on many occasions and have failed on all occasions.
As we all know, moths generally come out at night…when the bright shiny fluorescence of unnatural light beckons them out of their daily slumber and awakens them to the world. This means, Moth Season is going to be worse this year for two main reasons:
1. I don’t work through the day any more…I work AT NIGHT! And
2. I’m pregnant, therefore everything I do is not just about me any more, as much as I'd like to think otherwise (from time to time).
Due to my being pregnant, I am really quite concerned that my fear of moths may cause havoc for my tiny unborn baby. I’m worried that a moth will be attacking me (because that’s the only reason they have been put on this earth) and I will freak out, as I do, try to get away, trip and fall and hurt my baby.
The irrational thing about that (besides the actual fear itself) is that of the 74 million times I have been under attack and had to get away in a panic, I haven’t really fallen all that often…a stumble here and there but nothing major. I guess that’s because during those challenging times, I've not needed to consider the wellbeing of any other…being.
Because I now work only at nights…I am subjected to the battlegrounds more often then I'd like. Especially at work…I am constantly surrounded by the bright lights to which these retched creatures are attracted…I strongly believe that this is where they meet in the early evenings to plan their next attack!
Last night when I finished work, I walked into the car park elevator slowly and with precaution, scanning the perimeter for any enemies as I do every night, and there on the bottom edge of the railing was one white moth. I held my breath and willed the elevator to hurry up and finish its long journey from ground floor to the carpark so I could quickly escape before being eaten alive. I was lucky to survive but concerned that I'd left it there…alive.
As a result I had 3 nightmares about moths last night so you can imagine my horror as I saw the beast hiding in the elevator again today when I arrived at work. I warned Ms.D about the hidden assailant so she was not attacked unawares.
At the end of the night, I finished my shift, gathered my belongings, and made my way to the building exit to accompany Ms.D on her break. As I approached the glass sliding doors, illuminated by the unnatural fluorescent light mentioned above, I saw them. Three giant moths guarding the exit, waiting for me to approach.
My archenemies seemed a little more dense this year, I thought to myself, noting that they did not hide very well and I was able to be prepared for their attack. However, much to my shock (and relief), they did not attack…instead, they opted for mind games…a war tactic I have seen before. They show themselves…making their plans for war evident, plant the seed of fear into my brain. Make it apparent to me that they are here and they mean business!!! Clearly not as dense as I first suspected…
When it was time to leave, I approached the elevator again with caution and fear, knowing that the white warrior may still be there. Ms.D tried to assure me that because it was still there it should mean that it was not going to harm me, but alas, she does not know the mind games they play.
“It knew I would be back…it quite possibly informed the others I would be back.”
And just as I feared, there were others. Ms.D had to press the button for me as there was a great big green one guarding the area.
The doors opened, I peered inside…it was still there…and it was not alone. I quickly passed on my last wishes to Ms.D…just incase I didn’t make it out alive, but again…I was saved. This is just the beginning…
People be aware!!! They are here. They are angry and they are out to get me!
I ask…no, I beg of you. If you see one (or more) DO NOT LET IT LIVE!! They Must Die!
If you enjoyed this, then you may enjoy the following entries:
THE PLAGUE - God Must Hate Me...
Update on...THE PLAGUE
OMG Scary Stuff!!
Moth Season is Approaching...
Stay Safe Amigos
There are many wonderful things about this time of year…The warmth, falling asleep by an open window, mangoes, lying by a pool reading a good book while drinking a cocktail of some sort…many, many wonderful things.
Unfortunately with the good, comes the bad.
This time of year also means the time for many horrible things…Higher credit card bills due to “Christmas” Shopping, spring cleaning (shudder), being obligated to spend almost a whole day with people to whom you may be related but never knew existed during any other time of the year, aka “The Family”, the stench of too many sweaty bodies in one small space at one time, and of course…MOTH SEASON!!!!!!!!
Yes that’s right folks, that dreaded time of year has approached us once more and this year I am more scared then ever.
If you’re new to my blog, first of all, welcome, and second of all I must inform you that I am absolutely terrified of moths. I am completely aware that this is infact an extremely irrational fear but I cannot control it. I have tried on many occasions and have failed on all occasions.
As we all know, moths generally come out at night…when the bright shiny fluorescence of unnatural light beckons them out of their daily slumber and awakens them to the world. This means, Moth Season is going to be worse this year for two main reasons:
1. I don’t work through the day any more…I work AT NIGHT! And
2. I’m pregnant, therefore everything I do is not just about me any more, as much as I'd like to think otherwise (from time to time).
Due to my being pregnant, I am really quite concerned that my fear of moths may cause havoc for my tiny unborn baby. I’m worried that a moth will be attacking me (because that’s the only reason they have been put on this earth) and I will freak out, as I do, try to get away, trip and fall and hurt my baby.
The irrational thing about that (besides the actual fear itself) is that of the 74 million times I have been under attack and had to get away in a panic, I haven’t really fallen all that often…a stumble here and there but nothing major. I guess that’s because during those challenging times, I've not needed to consider the wellbeing of any other…being.
Because I now work only at nights…I am subjected to the battlegrounds more often then I'd like. Especially at work…I am constantly surrounded by the bright lights to which these retched creatures are attracted…I strongly believe that this is where they meet in the early evenings to plan their next attack!
Last night when I finished work, I walked into the car park elevator slowly and with precaution, scanning the perimeter for any enemies as I do every night, and there on the bottom edge of the railing was one white moth. I held my breath and willed the elevator to hurry up and finish its long journey from ground floor to the carpark so I could quickly escape before being eaten alive. I was lucky to survive but concerned that I'd left it there…alive.
As a result I had 3 nightmares about moths last night so you can imagine my horror as I saw the beast hiding in the elevator again today when I arrived at work. I warned Ms.D about the hidden assailant so she was not attacked unawares.
At the end of the night, I finished my shift, gathered my belongings, and made my way to the building exit to accompany Ms.D on her break. As I approached the glass sliding doors, illuminated by the unnatural fluorescent light mentioned above, I saw them. Three giant moths guarding the exit, waiting for me to approach.
My archenemies seemed a little more dense this year, I thought to myself, noting that they did not hide very well and I was able to be prepared for their attack. However, much to my shock (and relief), they did not attack…instead, they opted for mind games…a war tactic I have seen before. They show themselves…making their plans for war evident, plant the seed of fear into my brain. Make it apparent to me that they are here and they mean business!!! Clearly not as dense as I first suspected…
When it was time to leave, I approached the elevator again with caution and fear, knowing that the white warrior may still be there. Ms.D tried to assure me that because it was still there it should mean that it was not going to harm me, but alas, she does not know the mind games they play.
“It knew I would be back…it quite possibly informed the others I would be back.”
And just as I feared, there were others. Ms.D had to press the button for me as there was a great big green one guarding the area.
The doors opened, I peered inside…it was still there…and it was not alone. I quickly passed on my last wishes to Ms.D…just incase I didn’t make it out alive, but again…I was saved. This is just the beginning…
People be aware!!! They are here. They are angry and they are out to get me!
I ask…no, I beg of you. If you see one (or more) DO NOT LET IT LIVE!! They Must Die!
If you enjoyed this, then you may enjoy the following entries:
THE PLAGUE - God Must Hate Me...
Update on...THE PLAGUE
OMG Scary Stuff!!
Moth Season is Approaching...
Stay Safe Amigos
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