With her head resting on my shoulder, her face merely an inch from mine.
I feel a tiny puff of air on my lips as she breathes in and out.
Her breath is sweet, the most angelic scent I’ve ever breathed.
Her tiny hand rests lightly on my heart, as I feel her heart beating against my breast.
I study her face ever so closely, seeing no imperfections.
Her skin as soft as velvet and so creamy in colour.
I gently press my lips to her cheek, it is but with a kiss, I whisper:
“Goodnight, my Precious. I Love You”
Words so true, they cannot be untold.
As her eyelids flicker slightly at my touch, through her peaceful slumber I know,
That she loves me too.
Muffin fell asleep in my arms after her feed. I just wanted to share this moment. I sat with her for what seemed like hours, just staring at her beautiful face. I will cherish these moments forever.